Please specify his/her contribution[s]
I have reviewed with my candidate that membership is a serious commitment, which provides the opportunity to make a lasting impact on our community and in our region, to learn and participate in educational programs, to serve on committees of interest, to make new friends and to deepen existing friendships. He/She is fully aware of the following pledge that they will be expected to sign as a provisional member:
Provisional Candidate Pledge:
By agreeing to be nominated for active membership in the Garden Club of Allegheny County, I understand that I will be required to fulfill the following requirements for full membership by:
1. Attending orientation meetings and as many membership meetings as possible throughout the year, the minimum being 4 meetings. Membership meetings are usually held on the second Thursday of each month from September through June. In the past few years, there have not been meetings in October and February. Meetings start with hospitality at 9:30AM, followed by a business meeting, speaker and optional lunch. There is an evening meeting in January when spouses and/or guests are invited to join us for a cocktail party followed by a guest speaker.
2. Attending one conservation and one horticulture committee meeting and committing to one of those committees during your provisional year. Meetings and workshops are announced at GCAC Membership Meetings, in the monthly GCAC newsletter and by email to committee members
3. Taking part in Pizzazz or any other fundraiser, every year by volunteering to work at least one shift during the event and/or participating on a committee for the event. You are also asked to consider supporting this major fundraiser as a Benefactor, Patron or Sponsor every year and to attend the annual evening Preview Party.
4. Participating in the New Members’ Project/May Membership meeting. New members will serve as the hosts for the May Membership Meeting at the end of their provisional year. The provisional class will work on the invitation, take the RSVP’s, plan the coffee, food and beverages and see to all aspects of set up/take down (tables, cloths, chairs, centerpieces). The provisional class will also organize a “hands-on” project with all the elements needed to complete the project. The project will be based on the organization chosen with the guidance of the Program & Membership chairs. All GCAC members will be invited to attend and participate in the New Members’ Project/May Membership meeting.
5. Following the fulfillment of the requirements of the Provisional year, candidates are expected to be an Active member of GCAC. This includes participating on committees and being willing to consider holding office for GCAC, Zone V and the GCA when asked.
6. Serving as a co-host to a membership meeting at least every three years.
7. Attending and supporting community events sponsored by GCAC and other community partners that match the mission of GCAC.
8. Paying the annual dues for Active members beginning the provisional year. This amount includes the annual dues to the Garden Club of America. The Treasurer will send a statement for dues in
the summer.
Current annual dues for Active members are $175.
Please type your name below as your signature to confirm that you have reviewed all of the items listed above with your candidate and that they are fully aware of the commitment they would be making should their acceptance be confirmed.